Home / Sustainability
We aspire to achieve a balanced integration of ethical, social, environmental and economic considerations in the way we conduct our business to create sustainable long-term value for our stakeholders.

Sustainable Palm Oil Certification

The full suite of applicable sustainable palm oil certification, namely Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, International Sustainability & Carbon Certification, Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil, has been secured to varying extents by operating units while efforts are ongoing to prepare remaining units for eventual certification. As part of our commitment in ensuring that our Group’s practices are consistently aligned to the standards stipulated under the leading systems, including the RSPO, appropriate sustainability policies have been established and adopted, such as Sustainability Policy, Environmental Policy, Ethical & Integrity Policy, Food Safely Policy, MSPO Policy, Occupational Safety & Health Policy, People Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy, Social Policy, Whistleblower Policy and Zero Burning Policy.


As our business activities are closely associated with natural resources, we recognise the importance of practising responsible stewardship of the environment and strive to adhere to the principles of sustainable development for the benefit of present and future generations.


We seek to build mutually beneficial relationships with the communities where we operate and with society at large through active engagement.


Our people are our most important asset. Our Group is an equal opportunity employer that embraces diversity in the workplace. We strive to maintain an inclusive work culture that supports diverse talent to contribute positively to the growth and productivity in line with the Group’s vision and mission.


Our business conduct shall be guided by honesty, integrity and a commitment to excellence. We are committed to promoting responsible practices among our business partners, showing care for the wellbeing of our customers and upholding good corporate governance to meet the expectations of our investors.

Sustainability News

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14th Floor, Wisma Genting,
Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur
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